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Financial Wisdom from the Wisest Man Who Ever Lived (Part 4)

Today, we are going to look at PART 4 in our new feature about the wisdom of Solomon regarding good money management.  Over the coming weeks, we are going to look at several of the wealth management principles he shared. If you apply these money management principles, you will be successful.  King Solomon had an…

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Financial Wisdom From the Wisest Man Who Ever Lived (Part 3)

Today, we are going to look at PART 3 in our new feature about the wisdom of Solomon with you regarding good money management.  Over the coming weeks, we are going to look at several of the wealth management principles he shared. If you apply these money management principles, you will be successful.  King Solomon…

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Financial Wisdom from the Wisest Man Who Ever Lived (Part 2)

Today we are going to look at PART 2 in our new feature about the wisdom of Solomon with you regarding good money management.  Over the coming weeks, we are going to look at several of the wealth management principles he shared. If you apply these money management principles, you be successful.  King Solomon had…

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Financial Freedom: Hard Work Brings Profit

When it comes to building towards financial freedom, you need to work hard. Don’t be lazy. Be disciplined. Today I want to give you three scriptures… According to these scriptures, laziness leads to… On the flip side, being diligent, working hard, and working smart leads to… If you want to build towards financial freedom, don’t…

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Money Management: The Power of a Magnifying Glass and Scissors 

Most people who get into debt do not even know why they are racking up debt. It seems to creep up on them.  Against this backdrop, if you are battling with debt, I want to encourage you to take a close look at your bank statements.  Get your magnifying glass out and examine your bank…

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Financial Wisdom from the Wisest Man Who Ever Lived (Part 1)

Today we are going to be looking at the wisdom of Solomon regarding good money management.  Over the coming weeks, we are going to look at a number of the wealth management principles he shared. If you apply these money management principles, you be successful.  King Solomon had huge shoes to fill. His father was…