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Hearing God’s Voice

man looking at city

God desires an intimate walk with you. 

You do not need to face alone. Throughout history, many have had a close walk with God

God created this world and mankind. The first people God created were Adam and Eve. They had an intimate and personal walk with God.

They used to walk and talk with God – They were close.

But everything changed on that dreadful day when the devil tempted them.

They took the enemy’s bait, causing them to sin against God. Right after this moment, Adam and Eve hid from God. Their once close relationship with God was messed up.

God is love and so dearly wanted to fix this broken relationship with humankind. But God is holy and, therefore, could not mix with sin. God is also just and, thus, had to punish sin.

This left all of us spiritually dead. But thank God, this was not the end of the story…

God set up a plan.

This involved sending His pure and holy Son, who came to die on the cross, paying the full price for the very sin that cut us off from our Holy God, ensuring sin was judged.

The good news is that instead of you and me being condemned for sin, Jesus took the curse of sin on Himself, satisfying God’s wrath and ensuring that we could be made right with God and come back into a close relationship with God. 

God wants a close walk with you. 

He cares. He wants to watch over you. He wants to lead you on the best path for your life. 

The Lord says, I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” (Psalms 32:8 NLT)

Jesus is our Savior. He is also known as the Good Shepherd who wants to look after you and me. 

Just like a shepherd will lead his sheep out of harm’s way and keep them safe, Jesus wants to lead you. 

Jesus wants you to know His voice. 

Jesus told us, My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27)

Do you know God’s voice? Are you following His direction?

Jesus also told us, The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)

Don’t follow the voice of the enemy who wants to lead you astray and on the road to destruction. You need to hear the voice of Jesus and follow His lead. He came to bring you abundant life

If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, ask Him to be your shepherd.

He wants to lead and guide you beside quiet pools of fresh water.

He wants to comfort you and restore your strength.

He wants you to know His peace, guidance, and direction.

He wants to defend you and protect you, and He wants to keep you safe.

He wants you to be fruitful.

He wants you to get to know and listen to His voice.

Therefore, it is vital that you get to know His voice. 

Our loving God planned to restore this broken relationship, saving mankind and ensuring we return to a close, intimate walk with God. Not only does God want to rescue and restore you, but He wants you to get to know Him. 

We are told, Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” (James 4:8)

One word from God can change absolutely everything. 

God has that one word that can give you direction and set you on the right path. 

God sees all, knows all, is all-powerful, and has the answers to your questions and solutions to your problems. 

Now, think of it…

If God has your best interest at heart, and if He speaks and wants to lead you, then don’t you think it is vital that you get to know Him more intimately? 

God speaks. He leads. He reveals. He can close doorways of darkness and open up new doors of opportunity. 

Are you in trouble?

One word from God can change anything. 

Are you in a dark place?

One word from God can lead you out of darkness and into his marvelous light. 

Are you searching for meaning and purpose? 

One word from God can catapult you into the very destiny for which he made you. 

Are you at the crossroads of life?

One word from God can lead you out of confusion and onto the right path toward a fruitful future. 

One word from God can change everything. 

Noah was given one word from God to build an ark. If he had not heard the voice of God and obeyed, he would have drowned in the flood, and you and l would not be here today. 

Peter was in a boat in the middle of a storm. If he hadn’t heard Jesus call him, he never would have walked on water. As long as Peter kept his eyes on Jesus and listened to his voice, he could walk on water, but we all know that Peter took his eyes off Jesus and looked at the wind and the waves. When fear drowned out Jesus’ voice, he began to sink. As he slipped into the stormy sea, he cried out, “Jesus, save me!” and Jesus reached out and caught Peter. Jesus saved Peter and helped him walk back to the boat. 

Maybe you have allowed the roar and thunder of the world to drown out God’s voice. If so, it is time to invite Jesus back into your life. 

He has the one word that can change everything. 

David was in trouble. He was overwhelmed. He cried out to God.

I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears.” (Psalms 34:4)

David heard God’s voice. He received the answer to face his fears, knowing God was with him. God heard his cry for help and delivered him. 

Bartimaeus was blind. He heard that Jesus was in town. He cried out to Jesus. While everyone was telling him to be quiet, Bartimaeus was desperate. He cried out louder until he got Jesus’s attention. Jesus called for Bartimaeus to come, and he opened his blind eyes and gave him a new life. If Bartimaeus had not heard Jesus’ call, he would have remained a blind beggar for the rest of his life, but that is not how the story ended. 

One word from God can change everything. 

Jesus told us, Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8)

Do you know God’s voice?

Often, we are not sure who is speaking…

  • Was it God?
  • Was it me?
  • Was it the enemy?

Many years ago, I attended a morning conference meeting on the other end of town, around 50 km from my home. After the meeting, on my way out, I noticed a lady who was wheelchair-bound. I heard a voice say, “Clinton, pray for her.”

It was not an audible voice, but it was so clear in my heart.

I thought, “God, is that you?” 

I was nervous. My hands were sweating, and my heart began to race. 

I then tried to reason.

Could it be the devil trying to embarrass me?

And then I asked myself, “Maybe this is just me.”

At that moment, I was confused.

Who was speaking?

Once again, I felt like God was promoting me.

It seemed like God was asking me, “Do you think the devil wants you to pray for a sick person? He came to kill, steal, and destroy. He didn’t come to bring life.”

I then realized that it must be God. After all, what was the worst thing that could happen? Worst case, I could make a fool of myself. 

In my flesh, I really didn’t want to step out and pray. So, I presumed it must be God. I wondered if it would be harmful if I prayed for this lady. Obviously not! 

I didn’t want to miss the opportunity. I wanted to be obedient to God. So, I summoned up the courage and decided to dare to take a risk for God.

I approached the lady in the wheelchair and asked, “Would you mind if I prayed for you?”

She said, “Yes!”

Right there in front of her group of friends and a few others, I placed my hand on her legs and prayed a very simple prayer, “Lord, please touch this lady. Please heal her. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

I then got up, blushing. I just said, “God bless you,” and slipped out the door, not knowing what had happened but knowing I had heard God’s voice and obeyed. 

That evening, after attending other meetings, I headed back home. Before getting home, I popped into the shop for groceries. While in the shop, a lady approached me. She said she recognized me from the conference on the other end of town because I was wearing a bright yellow shirt.

She then told me she was a friend of the lady I had prayed for…

She asked me, “Do you know what was wrong with my friend in the wheelchair?”

I shared how I knew nothing about her friend and felt led by God to pray for her. 

This lady then told me that her dear friend had trouble with both her legs. She said that her friend had many operations, but the Doctors told her she would never walk again.  

She continued, “After you prayed, my friend felt a strange sensation in her legs. There was a crack and a pop, and the next minute, she stood up, completely healed.”

She shared that she had witnessed the miracle before her very eyes. 

One word from God can change anything. 

It is so important that we get to know God’s voice. It is so important that we are also obedient to God’s promptings. 

Sometimes, God may be calling you to take a step of faith. If it is God, you need to be brave. Even if you are facing a daunting task, be strong and courageous, just like Joshua had to be when he was given the huge assignment of leading God’s people out of the wilderness and into The Promised Land.

Get to know Jesus. 

If you are unsure of when God is speaking, you need to get to know Him better. You need to get to know Jesus. 

If I called you out of the blue, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t recognize my voice.

But if we chatted regularly, you would get to know me, and you would also know my voice. 

In the same way, you need to spend time with God

Jesus said, When you seek me, you will find me.” (Matthew 7:7)

God also speaks through His Word. 

Read God’s Word. Get to know God’s heart. 

Know this: God will never ask you to do anything contrary to His nature or Word.

If you think you have heard God’s voice, ask yourself, “Does it align with God’s word? Does it contradict His word?”

Test the word. 

When an airplane approaches to land, it lines up three lights on the runway. This way, it is 100% certain to land safely. 

In the same way, align any word you receive with the Word of God. 

Are there scriptures backing this up? Try to find three scriptures. 

Also, seek God’s counsel

Sometimes, the word may not be clear-cut, where there isn’t a specific set of scriptures that deal with the situation. 

If you face this, ask yourself:

  • Is it God-honoring?
  • Will it get me in trouble?
  • Will it cause harm or good?

If you’re not sure, then tread lightly. Don’t rush it. Pray through it. God will make it clear. Wait on Him. 

Remember, sometimes God is at work, leading you one step at a time.

Be patient. Test the word. Wait on God.

At the right time, He will bring light to the situation, one step at a time. 

Sometimes, God will give you a big-picture dream but only reveal the next step once you have taken the first step. 

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105)

Sometimes, when you need to make a big decision, take one small step.

If you feel God’s leading and prompting and sense peace in your heart, then keep moving.

If you feel anxious or restless, then stop

Sometimes, God will ask you to take a step of faith. If so, be strong and courageous. Dare to risk for God. Attempt great things with and for Him. 

Above all, God desires an intimate walk with you. God doesn’t speak only to pastors; He speaks to His children. I implore you to get to know Jesus. 

If you don’t know Jesus or have never had a relationship with God, you can begin today. 

Yes, we were lost without a Savior, but Jesus came. He paid the full price for our sin, the sin that cut us off from God so that we can walk closely with Him. This relationship can start today and go right into eternity

Jesus died so we could be set free from sin, born again, and come into a relationship with God.

Through His sacrifice, we can become children of God, ensuring that we will spend eternity in heaven. We can also get to know Him intimately. He wants to lead you and guide you on the best pathway during your journey through life. 

Today, you can start a walk with God. 

Maybe you used to have a close walk with God, but you have drifted from Him. Maybe you have grown cold. Maybe you have grown complacent. Today, you can return to God and rededicate your life to Jesus. You can begin afresh. 

If that’s you, call on Jesus today. 

Maybe you have used religion as a cheap and plastic substitute instead of having a real walk with God. Today, you can turn to Jesus and re-surrender your life to Jesus. You can start a real walk with God. 

Maybe you feel so distant from God. Today, you can come back to Him. He longs to rekindle a new fire in your heart. 

Maybe you have been living in sin. Sin can often get in the way of a close walk with God. If the pleasures of life have drowned out God’s voice, it is time to repent and to come clear. God forgives. He can cleanse your life. You can start again. 

Maybe the devil has lied to you and kept you in bondage. Today, you can turn your back on the enemy and cry out to Jesus. He wants to deliver you. He wants to break the chains of bondage and set you free so that you can know God and come into a close walk with Him. 

Today, God wants to save your life, unblock your spiritual ears, and help you hear His voice. He wants to lead and guide you. 

Let me remind you. Jesus told us, My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27)

Jesus also told us that He is the gate for the sheep.” (John 10:7)

Jesus continued, Yes, I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. They will come and go freely and will find good pastures.” (John 10:9)

And to remind you, Jesus also said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand.” (John 10:27-29)

Today is your day of salvation. 

Today is your day of new beginnings. 

Come into an intimate walk with God. 

Open your heart to Jesus. 

Enter through Jesus. He is the gateway to abundant life and eternal life. 

You can get to know Him and His voice. 

Jesus wants to be your Lord and Savior, and he walks the journey of life with you. 

Isn’t it amazing that we can have a close walk with the creator of the universe? He flung the stars into place. He has all power and authority. He knows what is up. He wants the best for you and me and wants to lead us away from harm and into greener pastures. 

You can know God – You can really know Him!

He speaks.

Draw near to Jesus. 

Spend time with Him.

Get to know His voice.

Your life will never be the same again. 

If you want to start or restart your walk with Godclick here to pray a simple prayer we have set up for you.

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