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Money Management: Spending, Investing, Saving and Earning Money

Today, I want to share some advice on what Warren Buffet has to say about… We will also examine whether Mr Buffet’s wisdom aligns with what God says about these issues. You may ask, well, who is Warren Buffett?  He is an American investor, business tycoon, and philanthropist who is the Chairman and CEO of…

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Financial Freedom: Build Wealth While You Sleep (The Power of Passive Income)

Generating wealth takes time. While overnight success may be appealing, it is often only a pipe dream unless you hit the lottery or receive an inheritance.  Chasing quick wealth can also cause much heartache and pain.  “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have…

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Money Management: Be Smart with Your Taxes

Are you paying your taxes? I hope you are! Jesus told us that it is good to pay your taxes. He said, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” (Matthew 22:21 NIV) God’s word also tells us, “Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those…

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Financial Freedom: You Need a Saving Philosophy

Are you a spender or a saver?   Depending on your money philosophy, you will either stay broke or build wealth.  Your answer to this question can be the difference between building towards financial freedom or financial failure. Jim Rohn once shared his opinion on the difference between “rich” and “poor” people.  He said, “Poor people…

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Financial Wisdom from the Wisest Man Who Ever Lived (Part 5)

Today, we are going to look at PART 5 in our new feature about the wisdom of Solomon with you regarding good money management.  Over the coming weeks, we are going to look at several of the wealth management principles he shared. If you apply these money management principles, you be successful.  King Solomon had…

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Financial Freedom: Look to God as Your Supernatural Provider

Are you facing a tough time?  If so, don’t give up. Hang on in there. God can supernaturally provide, so put your hope in God.  Supernatural Oil 2 Kings 4:1-7 tells the story of Elisha.  A widow was in deep debt. Her husband had died and left her in financial bondage. The creditor had arrived,…

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Money Management: Be Wise with Your Money

This festive season, choose to be wise with your money. Stick to your budget. Avoid taking on unnecessary debt. Think twice before you spend. “The wise are cautious and avoid danger; fools plunge ahead with reckless confidence.” (Proverbs 14:16) “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.”…

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Financial Wisdom from the Wisest Man Who Ever Lived (Part 4)

Today, we are going to look at PART 4 in our new feature about the wisdom of Solomon regarding good money management.  Over the coming weeks, we are going to look at several of the wealth management principles he shared. If you apply these money management principles, you will be successful.  King Solomon had an…

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Financial Wisdom From the Wisest Man Who Ever Lived (Part 3)

Today, we are going to look at PART 3 in our new feature about the wisdom of Solomon with you regarding good money management.  Over the coming weeks, we are going to look at several of the wealth management principles he shared. If you apply these money management principles, you will be successful.  King Solomon…

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Financial Wisdom from the Wisest Man Who Ever Lived (Part 2)

Today we are going to look at PART 2 in our new feature about the wisdom of Solomon with you regarding good money management.  Over the coming weeks, we are going to look at several of the wealth management principles he shared. If you apply these money management principles, you be successful.  King Solomon had…