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Money Management Principle – How Much Have You Earned Over Your Lifetime?

How old are you today? How long have you been working? How many salaries or paycheques have you received during your working career? How much have you earned over your working career? How much have you earned during this time? Now, I have one more question for you… How much of the income you have…

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Money Management Principle: Start Investing Early!

I have met many people with good intentions to start saving and investing, but they always had an excuse for not saving.  Even with good intentions to save, many don’t follow through on this goal.  There always seems to be another temptation or expense that steals the money that was supposed to be allocated to…

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Financial Freedom Series: The 10-20-70 Principle (Part 1)

Welcome back to our Financial Freedom Series, where we’re looking into God’s Blueprint for Building Wealth and Managing Your Money Well! We dive into biblical principles and cutting-edge money management wisdom to help you… “But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce  wealth.” (Deuteronomy 8:18)  “Good planning…

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Financial Freedom Series: Your Personal Goal-Setting Action Plan

Welcome back to our Financial Freedom Series, where we’re looking into God’s Blueprint for Building Wealth and Managing Your Money Well! We dive into biblical principles and cutting-edge money management wisdom to help you… “But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce  wealth.” (Deuteronomy 8:18)  “Good planning…

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Financial Freedom Series: Goals Are Not Enough. You Need a System.

Welcome back to our Financial Freedom Series, where we’re looking into God’s Blueprint for Building Wealth and Managing Your Money Well! We dive into biblical principles and cutting-edge money management wisdom to help you… “But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce  wealth.” (Deuteronomy 8:18)  “Good planning…

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Money Management Principle: Make Good Decisions

Life is filled with choices.  BAD choices usually lead to failure and long-term frustration, but GOOD GODLY decisions typically lead to a fruitful outcome.  I want to encourage you to make wise choices. “A wise person chooses the right road; a fool takes the wrong one.” (Ecclesiastes 10:2) You won’t reach your expected destination if…

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Financial Freedom Series: How to Set Goals

Welcome back to our Financial Freedom Series, where we’re looking into God’s Blueprint for Building Wealth and Managing Your Money Well! We dive into biblical principles and cutting-edge money management wisdom to help you… “But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce  wealth.” (Deuteronomy 8:18)  “Good planning…

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Money Management Principle: Don’t Trust in Money, Trust in God. 

Don’t put your trust in money. Put your trust in God. Let God be your source and the center of your life. God wants you to be fruitful.  “Trust in your money and down you go! But the godly flourish like leaves in spring.” (Proverbs 11:28) And don’t think that money will make you happy….

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Financial Freedom Series: The Power of Setting Goals

Welcome back to our Financial Freedom Series, where we’re looking into God’s Blueprint for Building Wealth and Managing Your Money Well! We dive into biblical principles and cutting-edge money management wisdom to help you… “But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce  wealth.” (Deuteronomy 8:18)  “Good planning…

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Money Management Principle: Pass Godly Wisdom Onto Your Children

Regardless of your past financial decisions and lifestyle choices, it’s never too late to guide your children toward making Godly life choices and good financial decisions. As a parent, you have the power to shape your children’s future.  Start today and set them on the path to a godly and successful life.  “Train up a…

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Financial Freedom Series: It is Time to Change!

Welcome back to our Financial Freedom Series, where we’re looking into God’s Blueprint for Building Wealth and Managing Your Money Well! We dive into biblical principles and cutting-edge money management wisdom to help you… “But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce  wealth.” (Deuteronomy 8:18)  “Good planning…

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Financial Freedom Series: The 7 Step Debt Attack Strategy (Part 4)

Welcome back to our Financial Freedom Series, where we’re looking into God’s Blueprint for Building Wealth and Managing Your Money Well! We dive into biblical principles and cutting-edge money management wisdom to help you… “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.” (Proverbs 22:7) “But remember the Lord your God, for…

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Money Management Principle: Be a Generous Giver!

We live in a world that has become self-obsessed and selfish. The Bible even warns us that this will signify the end times. “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not…

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Money Management Principle: Are You a Spender or Saver?

A spender is someone who enjoys spending money, even on unnecessary items. Spenders usually have a short time horizon.  A saver is more careful with their money and tends to invest and build up savings for the future.   I want to encourage you to SAVE BEFORE YOU SPEND. “The wise man saves for the future.”…

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Financial Freedom Series: The 7 Step Debt Attack Strategy (Part 3)

Welcome back to our Financial Freedom Series, where we’re looking into God’s Blueprint for Building Wealth and Managing Your Money Well! We dive into biblical principles and cutting-edge money management wisdom to help you… “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.” (Proverbs 22:7) “But remember the Lord your God, for…

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Financial Freedom Series: The 7 Step Debt Attack Strategy (Part 2)

Welcome back to our Financial Freedom Series, where we’re looking into God’s Blueprint for Building Wealth and Managing Your Money Well! We dive into biblical principles and cutting-edge money management wisdom to help you… “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.” (Proverbs 22:7) “But remember the Lord your God, for…

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Money Management Principle: Don’t Rush Your Big and Important Financial Decisions

Please do not rush when it comes to making important financial decisions. Rather, be cautious.   “The wise are cautious and avoid danger; fools plunge ahead with reckless confidence.” (Proverbs 14:16) You can avoid a lot of heartache and pain by taking a cautious approach to big financial decisions.  Before you start that new investment… Before…