As we enter a new year, I pray that this year will be greatly blessed and filled with God’s favor. May your life be abundantly fruitful.
Looking back, what was the last year like?
In the past year, what went well?
- What milestones did you accomplish?
- Where did you win?
- What have you got to be grateful for?
If it has been a good year, praise God and thank him. Be grateful for good health and for God’s provision and providence.
In the past year, what went poorly?
- Where did you fail?
- What went wrong?
- What disappointments did you face?
I know the last year was tough for many. Maybe you faced trauma, suffered loss, or were in a battle. Maybe you are messed up and haunted by your past transgressions.
Forget about your past.
Move forward with Jesus at the center.
If it has been a bad year, wave it goodbye.
Don’t allow the last year’s failures and struggles to keep you down.
What is working? What isn’t? Face your fears.
Don’t hide? Don’t run from your troubles. Be brave.
Make Jesus the Center of Your Life.
I know that when you face a hard knock, it can take the stuffing out of you.
I know what it is like to face difficulties.
I know it can be challenging to get back up when you have taken a hit.
But please don’t let your past messes and mistakes determine your future.
Don’t let go of your dreams.
Don’t quit. Don’t give up. Don’t give in.
Rise up. Let go of your past. Look to Jesus.
Ask Jesus to forgive you, to touch you, to change you, to revive you, to restore you.
If you want to start or restart your walk with God, click here to pray a simple prayer we have set up for you.
It is your time to dare to dream.
It is time to reset your goals.
It is time to rekindle your passion.
It is time to aim high.
It is time to attempt great things with God.
It is time to live on purpose.
It is time to reignite your vision.
It is time to be fruitful.
It is time to get positioned for God to
catapult you into your destiny.
Your best days are ahead of you.
It is essential to start the new year off right. To do so, you need to get your priorities in the proper order.
Do you know what a priority is?
According to the dictionary, a PRIORITY is “a thing that is regarded as more important than another.”
If you are building a home, you cannot start with the roof.
It would be best to start with a solid foundation. Then, it would be best to construct the floor before you build the walls with doors and windows. Finally, you can put it?on the roof.
If you do not start with a solid foundation and build-up, you will be left with a dilapidated, dangerous, and disjointed home.
“To change your life, you need to change your priorities.” – Mark Twain.
Get priorities in the correct order. Put first things first
Don’t be foolish. Be wise.
One was left standing. One fell.
Look to God. Obey him. Stick to your plans. Follow through.
He will look after you when you build your life on God’s foundation.
Remember, God gives you the ability to generate wealth and be successful…
When you trust God, he will plant you on his riverbank and care for you.
When you build your life on God, he will lead you and guide you on the best pathway.
Get off the road that leads to destruction and onto the narrow road that leads to life.
Jesus is the gateway.
Let go of your past. Do not give the enemy a foothold in your life. If you do, he will create a stronghold.
Strip off the weights. Let go of the sin that so easily entangles. Fix your focus on Jesus. He paid the ultimate price on the cross so that you could go free.
Stay connected to Jesus, and you will be fruitful.
Live with Jesus at the center.
When you see the KING (JESUS) and are part of his KINGDOM (living under the dominion of the King, and you live RIGHT, JESUS WILL TAKE CARE OF THE REST.
Get your priorities in the correct order.
Is God first in your life?
If you have sinned, repent, turn away from your immoral ways, and return to God.
If you have become lukewarm or complacent, return to God.
If you have grown cold or fallen away, call out to Jesus. Confess your sins and shortcomings to him and put your faith and trust in him.
Jesus is the Savior. He died on the cross for our sins. He gave his life for you. He paid the ultimate price, the complete sacrifice for our sins, so that we can return to a close relationship with God.
Today, you can begin again. Say goodbye to yesterday, stand up, put your shoulders back, smile, breathe, shake off the chains, and look up to God. It is time to rise above your past failings and troubles and start afresh.
God can take your messes and mistakes and do a miracle.
God’s word is clear, “If you confess your sins, he is faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
Where is your hope? Don’t put your hope in money and material possessions. Put your hope in Jesus. Live to please him. Make him your King. And trust him to cause all things to work together for the good.
God loves you, and he made a way for all people to come into a relationship with him, a walk that can start today and go right into eternity.
Today, turn to God. Give him your life. Make Jesus your Lord. Ask him to be your Savior. Trust him. ??
If you are not in a relationship with God or if you have fallen away, it is time to get your life right with God. Call on Jesus. Today is the day of new beginnings.
Let’s pray…
Dear Lord Jesus, I need you. I know that I am lost and that I have sinned. I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe that You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Saviour. In Jesus’ name. Amen.?
If you have prayed this prayer, please let us know. We would love to pray for you and send you an incredible eBook to help you on your journey with God.
God can take your tests and turn them into a testimony.
God wants to do life with you.
Surrender your burdens to him.
Don’t run from God. Run to him. Cast your cares on him. Trust him.
You cannot do the same thing the same way and expect anything to change. However, if you are prepared to change, everything can change for you.
Make a determined decision to do life differently.
Small changes done regularly can have a huge impact. When an aeroplane takes off, it goes in a straight line. Over the course of the journey, the pilot makes minor vector changes to stay on course. If he doesn’t, he may end up at the wrong destination.
Be prepared to make small changes and stick to them, and over time, you will build towards a fruitful outcome.
Shoot for the stars. Go after your dreams. It is time to soar.
Remember that God wants to do life with you. Stick close to him. He can cause ALL THINGS to work out for the good. He is the way-maker. He is the God of breakthroughs. He can transform your life and bring restoration.
God can take your setback and turn it into the greatest comeback of all time.
Now, I want to give you 3 simple steps to move forward. A new year represents a great time to start afresh. Today is the day of new beginnings.
Without a clear vision, you will have nothing to aspire to.
Without a vision, you will follow the crowd, settle for the mundane, and just go through the motions.
You may have taken a hard knock.
Get back up. Dust yourself off. Get moving forward. It starts with a dream.
Even if your dreams seem shattered, broken, shredded, and lying in pieces, and you feel disillusioned and frustrated, God can turn it around. It is not over until God says it’s over. He can bring your dreams to pass. He can put the pieces back together. He can resurrect your dreams.
Can we pray…
Lord, I ask you to pour of your Spirit. Lord, give me a fresh vision, fresh faith, and a renewed passion. Birth a new God-ordained and God-honouring dream in my heart. I give you my life. Lord, I ask you to start the process of helping me lift the lid and rise above the mist. Lord, please catapult me into the very destiny for which you made me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
What are your dreams and aspirations?
- A closer walk with God
- Read your Bible
- Develop an intimate walk with God
- Be an ambassador for God – reach the lost and bring hope to the hurting
- Manage my money better – budget
- Settle debt
- Be generous and give to God
- Build up savings to have a reserve cash flow
- Build up my wealth portfolio for retirement
- A dream family holiday
- Start my own business or side hustle
“But remember the?Lord?your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.” (Deuteronomy 8:18)
- Build a closer relationship with my spouse
- Build a closer walk with my children
- Build closer friendships
- Get fit and health
- Lose weight
- Eat healthier
- Further my education
- Start a new hobby
What are your goals over the next season (set up 4 to 10 goals)…
- Short-term – for 2025
- Medium-term – for 2030 to 2035
- Long-term – 2035 onwards
Don’t take shortcuts. It will lead to failure.
Plan well. Think things, though. Come up with a workable solution to take you from where you are to where you want to be.
Without a plan, you will drift aimlessly
A plan will help clarify what is essential.
- WHAT is your goal?
- WHY do you want to achieve it?
- By WHEN do you want to achieve your goal?
- HOW are you going to get there?
Setting goals is a good starting point, but you cannot follow through unless you make it easy and set up a simple-to-follow plan.
Re-igniting your vision and structuring a strategic plan is a good starting point, but I want to encourage you to ask God for his help, guidance, and leading. He wants to walk the journey with you.
Trust God. Delight in him.
Commit everything you do to God. Share your dreams with God. Commit your plans and strategies to him. According to God’s work, he WILL HELP you and help you SUCCEED.
GOD GOAL: Read your Bible and build a prayer life | Develop an intimate walk with God | 2025 | Get up 30 minutes earlier each morning and spend time reading God’s work and in prayer | Set the alarm 30 minutes earlier each morning. I will make a cup of coffee and will set this time aside to read the Bible and pray. (the coffee trigger will make it easier to follow through) |
GOD AND RELATIONSHIP GOAL: Grow in my walk with God while building friendships and taking time to go for a walk and connect with my children and God. | I want to develop good, godly friendships and build relationships with my children while training my family on things of God. | 2025 | In addition to attending Church, we plan to join a Wednesday night homegroup as a family. This will grow our walk with God, build my family’s faith, and help us build closer friendships with like-minded believers. A weekly walk to the park with my children on Saturday. | Will join a Wednesday evening homegroup. (I have put this in our diary – scheduled) Habit stacking: Homegroup allows my family to grow and build goldy friendships while growing in God. Once a week, I will schedule a walk with my children. This will allow me to build our relationship and have some fun. I will intentionally talk to them about God and also intentionally spend 5 minutes on a prayer walk. Habit stacking: family time, fitness, and prayer. |
RELATIONSHIP GOAL – Once a month date night with Janet (my wife) | Want to build a good marriage | 2025 | Will diarise a date once a month where we intentionally set time aside to go out, talk, catch up and have fun. | Book a movie and dinner for the end of January. (I have put this in our diary – scheduled) |
PERSONAL GOAL – Want to lose 15 kg and get fit, and I want to read a book once a month | I want to get into shape and get fitter and healthier while building my knowledge. | 2025 | I set up a meeting with a dietician. I came up with a plan to track my calories. By limiting my daily calorie intake to 1900 calories on My Fitness Pal, I should lose 0.5 kg per week. I should lose 15 kg by July 2025. I will also exercise 3 times a week. Social tennis is scheduled for Monday evenings. I will go to the gym and cycle on Tuesdays and Thursdays. (I will either listen to an audible book or reach on a stationary bike) | I will track my calorie intake daily and weigh in every Saturday. Joining the tennis club will make me accountable. This is scheduled in my diary. By scheduling gym with reading or listening to the audible book, I can habit stack and end up increasing my knowledge while exercising |
WEALTH GOAL – Settle debt | Want to get rid of debt and improve cash flow | 2030 | I have reviewed my debts and set up a schedule of all my debts and the minimum payment I need to make. I managed to sell a few items. The proceeds will be used to settle the credit card debt. I will use the money freed up to pay extra into my home loan. With the bank’s help, I have set up a plan to settle the home loan within the next five years. By upping my repayment after setting the credit card debt, I am now on track to settle the bond within the next five years. Review at the end of the year. | By setting up a regular debit order, my retirement planning is automated. I have added savings to my budget and now don’t have to worry about it. |
WEALTH GOAL – Plan for retirement | Want to be able to retire by age 65. | 2038 | We have set up a meeting with our financial adviser to calculate the amount we need to set aside to retire financially secure by 2038. Review our budget and free up cash flow so we can invest more. Set up a debit order to ensure I invest enough each month. Review at the end of the year. | By setting up a regular debit order, my retirement planning is automated. I have added savings to my budget and now don’t have to worry about it. |
DARE TO DREAM… I encourage you to read this book.
- It will inspire you to dare to dream and to take action.
- It will give you a simple strategy that works to help you set up a plan to achieve your goals and dreams.
- Give you a simple p process to help make it easy for you to follow through.
The strategy and process are all backed up by proven biblical principles
I can assure you that this system works.
I have used it to…
- lose weight and improve my health and fitness,
- grow in my relationship with God,
- improve my relationships with my family,
- be more effective in business,
- to squash debt,
- to buy property,
- take my family on overseas trips,
- build up funds for retirement,
- build a wealth portfolio to take care of my family and build generational wealth.
If you purchase the book, we will send you a VISION BOARD STRATEGIC PLANNER, which includes a step-by-step blueprint guide and scriptures to help you get started and begin the journey to seeing your dreams come to fruition.
The system is so easy to implement. We know that life can be busy, so we have included specific triggers and habit-stacking techniques to help set up simple-to-follow plans aligned with your lifestyle and time availability. This will make it easy for you to plan well and follow through on your goals until they become a reality.
We want to see you catapult into your God-given purposes and plans that God created you to fulfill.