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Financial Freedom: Cutbacks and Opportunities

woman in white and black long sleeve shirt holding black and gray lawn mower

I am fully aware that the increase in the cost of living, brought on by the higher inflation environment, has left many feeling cash-strapped. You may be battling to make ends meet

Today, I want to offer you two solutions if you are facing a cash flow crisis:

Either you will need to…


“You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.” —Dave Ramsey

I know it is easier said than done to just cut expenses or earn extra income, but let me give you a few practical tips you can consider. 

Can You Cut Unnecessary Costs From Your Budget?

You need to keep the essentials in your budget, but can you possibly cut back on the nice-to-haves for a season? 

  • You can consider cutting back on the non-essential expenses in your budget. 
  • You can consider downscaling for a season. 
  • You can keep a close eye on your spending. 

Can You Look For an Opportunity to Earn Extra Income? 

Can you possibly use your unique talents that God has blessed you with to earn extra income? 

What are your passions? What are you good at? What are your skills?  

How can you make a positive difference to others?  

How can you make other people’s lives easier?

  • Can you start a side hustle or small business that can provide solutions to other people’s problems? 
  • Could you do administration work? 
  • Do you make delicious food? 
  • Can you bake cakes and sell them at the market? 
  • Are you good at fixing things?
  • Do you have a unique idea that could add value to others?
  • Can you provide a service? What is lacking in your community? 
  • Can you sell a product on the side that can bring in extra income? 
  • Can you use your spare time constructively? Whether it is babysitting, caring for the elderly, walking dogs, teaching music, driving people to the airport, gardening, or becoming a tutor, there must be something you can do to bring in extra income.

You do not need to reinvent the wheel. Just look out for opportunities where you can make a positive difference. People will gladly pay for a product or service that adds value, meets a need, or makes life a little easier. 

A good business opportunity can be a simple solution to solve common problems. Can you identify a gap in the market?

I pray that God will give you a fresh vision and wisdom. 

“But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.” (Deuteronomy 8:18)

May God open a door of opportunity. May God also give you the courage to give it a go. May God bless your plans and help you succeed. 

“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.” (Psalm 37:5)

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