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Are you worried or concerned?

grayscale photography of crying woman

There are so many distressing things happening at the moment.

This can leave you with a feeling of dread and anxiety. 

At times like this, the best advice I can give you is to turn to God and pray.

Pray to God

In Psalm? ?55, David was feeling overwhelmed and troubled.

What did he do? He sought God’s help. 

“Listen to my prayer, O God. Do not ignore my cry for help! Please listen and answer me, for I am overwhelmed by my troubles.” (Psalms 55:1-2)

David was in a dark place. He was under attack. He had been threatened and felt like he was being hunted down.

David was scared and shaken. He wished that he could just escape. He felt like everything was falling apart. 

Trust in God

In the middle of his calamity and trouble, David put his faith in God. 

Although he was overwhelmed and troubled, he knew that God would come through for him.

David declared, “But I will call on God, and the Lord will rescue me.” (Psalm 55:16)

He sought God, “Morning, noon, and night I cry out in my distress, and the Lord hears my voice. He ransoms me and keeps me safe from the battle waged against me, though many still oppose me. God, who has ruled forever, will hear me and humble them.“ (Psalm 55:17)

Life can be tough, especially if you need to face trouble times.

But you can cast your burdens onto God!

Give your burdens to God

Although David was in a scary situation, he prayed to God.

He trusted that God could deliver him. He cast his burdens onto God. 

David said, “Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.” ?(Psalms? ?55:22)

David knew that God had his back, and today I need to remind you that God is with you, even in your tough situation. 

David ended Psalm 55 by saying, “I am trusting you to save me.” (Psalm 55:23)

If you are facing trouble…

  • Pray to God
  • Trust in God
  • Give your burdens to God

God is able to save.

He is able to see you through. 

Did this post help you out of your worry? Let us know in the comments below!

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  1. Shalom , absolutely what i needed so thankful for the message , God is so much bigger than our problen !! Amen :))

  2. good morning, going through a very tough time, needed this, as if God speaking to me. Lor hear my cry…. thnx

  3. Amen l’am passing through difficult time but when l read this l put my trust l in God only him can do it

  4. I need a help about bible. I can’t go church in my country. I’m facing anxiety and depression. Please help me. I wanna ask few questions

  5. i was very teary and distress earlier this morning, then i read this and i realize tha God is in control and you just need to seek him.. Thanks Lord…Amen

  6. Thank you.. big help! I am far from 100% being okay, but I know I will get there because the one who promised gave his life for me and is infallible.

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