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Financial Wisdom from the Wisest Man Who Ever Lived (Part 5)

Today, we are going to look at PART 5 in our new feature about the wisdom of Solomon with you regarding good money management.  Over the coming weeks, we are going to look at several of the wealth management principles he shared. If you apply these money management principles, you be successful.  King Solomon had…

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Financial Feature: God’s Way to Build Wealth 

So many want overnight success. They wish they could get rich quickly. However, God’s way is to build wealth slowly. Easy, steadily, little by little, over time. In 1 Timothy 6:10, God’s word tells us, “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered…

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What if I cut back on my expenses and invested a little more?

Can you cut back on your expenses and invest a little more? Maybe you can choose to cut your expenses slightly, and then consider investing it! Practical Wealth-Building Principle South Africans are known to be amongst the worst savers in the world. Many are also getting deeper into debt, and as debts climb so it…

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The ABC’s of Money – Teaching your Children about Money

Today I want to address the issue of SAVING, and HOW TO TEACH YOUR CHILD TO SAVE. Many people have become extremely lax when it comes to saving and many are getting deeper into debt. As debts climb so it becomes even more difficult to start saving. This may sum up your financial affairs. If…

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An “Ancient Investment Strategy” that has stood the test of time

I do not know if you are aware of it, but according to ancient manuscripts, God gave the Jewish nation an “investment strategy” on how to invest their money, which is still used today and has stood the test of time. Many people still successfully use this strategy to minimize risk and to general wealth, while ensuring sufficient liquidity during the…

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Keep calm and stick to your long-term investment strategy.

It can be challenging to remain invested when markets are jittery. Wars, political turmoil, market uncertainty, rising inflation, and pandemics can lead to great volatility and turbulence in the markets.  With the current uncertainty, you may be tempted to cash in your investments.  I want to encourage you to keep calm, and to stick to…

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A simple God-approved strategy to build your wealth

When it comes to money, most people would love to live in financial freedom. Imagine if you had an unlimited supply of money… You would have no financial stress and no debt. You could do what you love and you could be generous. For most, this seems to be nothing more than an unattainable dream. However,…

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Savings and investments

Welcome to our PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING SERIES. Today I want to chat to you about building up your SAVINGS and your INVESTMENTS. “The wise man saves for the future but the foolish man spends whatever he gets.” (Proverbs 21:20) What is the Difference Between Saving and Investing? Many new investors don’t understand that saving money and…

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What Does God Have To Say About Saving And Investing?

Many throughout the world are getting deeper into debt. The average person is also saving less than ever before. To make matters worse, even the trickle that goes into saving is usually spent on short term needs. The lack of saving and investing will have a negative impact on the financial future of many. It…

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An investment strategy for all seasons

A THOUGHT TO CONSIDER Investing can be nerve wracking at times. Markets can be extremely volatile. Pandemics, political upheaval, recessions, natural disasters, as well as general supply and demand can have a huge impact on market cycles. Sometimes one asset class or sector of the market may soar, while another falls flat. In any investment…