person putting coin in a piggy bank
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Financial Freedom: You Need a Saving Philosophy

Are you a spender or a saver?   Depending on your money philosophy, you will either stay broke or build wealth.  Your answer to this question can be the difference between building towards financial freedom or financial failure. Jim Rohn once shared his opinion on the difference between “rich” and “poor” people.  He said, “Poor people…

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Financial Freedom: Look to God as Your Supernatural Provider

Are you facing a tough time?  If so, don’t give up. Hang on in there. God can supernaturally provide, so put your hope in God.  Supernatural Oil 2 Kings 4:1-7 tells the story of Elisha.  A widow was in deep debt. Her husband had died and left her in financial bondage. The creditor had arrived,…

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Financial Freedom: Hard Work Brings Profit

When it comes to building towards financial freedom, you need to work hard. Don’t be lazy. Be disciplined. Today I want to give you three scriptures… According to these scriptures, laziness leads to… On the flip side, being diligent, working hard, and working smart leads to… If you want to build towards financial freedom, don’t…

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Financial Freedom: Build Good Habits

To turn your financial situation around you need to exchange bad habits for good new habits. A habit is something that if practiced, and if regularly repeated, becomes a routine, or an automatic way of life. Think about driving a car. When you first start driving a car, it can be a bit overwhelming and confusing. But, when you practice driving, it…