blue peacock

35 Interesting Bible Verses about Animals: God’s Creation and Lessons

The Bible, in its rich tapestry of stories and teachings, often references animals. In this post, we’ll be looking at a few verses that not only reveal the beauty of God’s creation but also offer valuable lessons about His care, wisdom, and provision. Best Verses about Animals 1. Genesis 1:24-25“Then God said, ‘Let the earth…

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35 Inspiring Bible Verses about Angels: Messengers of God’s Grace

Angels are heavenly beings that are messengers and servants of God. In this post, we’ll be looking at 35 verses about angels, highlighting their role as messengers, protectors, and servants of God. Please remember that, as Christians, we don’t pray to or worship angels. We serve God alone, who has all power and sent His…

person watering a potted plant
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Financial Feature: God’s Way to Build Wealth 

So many want overnight success. They wish they could get rich quickly. However, God’s way is to build wealth slowly. Easy, steadily, little by little, over time. In 1 Timothy 6:10, God’s word tells us, “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered…

basket filled with poultry eggs

Money Management: Don’t Keep All Your Eggs in One Basket

It is crucial that you diversify your investments. Don’t keep all your eggs in one basket. Rather spread your investments.  You can diversify your investments across investment houses and asset managers. You can diversify your investments across geographical areas. You can even spread your investments across various asset classes: cash, bonds, equities, and property. By…

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Financial Freedom: Build Good Habits

To turn your financial situation around you need to exchange bad habits for good new habits. A habit is something that if practiced, and if regularly repeated, becomes a routine, or an automatic way of life. Think about driving a car. When you first start driving a car, it can be a bit overwhelming and confusing. But, when you practice driving, it…