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Money Management Principle: Are You a Spender or Saver?

coins and a piggy bank

A spender is someone who enjoys spending money, even on unnecessary items. Spenders usually have a short time horizon. 

A saver is more careful with their money and tends to invest and build up savings for the future.  

I want to encourage you to SAVE BEFORE YOU SPEND.

The wise man saves for the future.” (Proverbs 21:20a)

According to God’s word, it is wise to save. 

Make it a priority to save. 

Unless you get into a habit of setting funds aside into savings, it just will not happen. 

Unless you intentionally choose to save, you will spend your money on something else.

I also want to encourage you ONLY to SPEND WHAT IS LEFT OVER after you have saved part of your income.

The foolish man spends whatever he gets.” (Proverbs 21:20b)

Be careful how you manage your money. 

It is so easy to spend money and to get into trouble. 

Many don’t know where their money is going. 

Live within your means.  

If you feel like your money just disappears or like you are putting it in pockets full of holes, I want to challenge you to seriously review your expenses and plug those spending leaks.  

Are you saving? Are you investing? 

Why not automate your savings and investments by setting up a fixed monthly debit order on your bank account to ensure it is easy to save and invest before you are tempted to spend your money?

Be wise! Don’t be foolish.

A wise person saves for the future, while fools spend whatever they get.

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